
What Is Ivs In Pokemon

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

4 redirects here. For the fourth generation of Pokémon games, come across Generation Four.

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Reason: Missing Chinese and Korean name and when IVs are determined for eggs and roaming Pokemon

Individual strengths (Japanese: 生まれつきの強さ innate strengths), abbreviated IVs from its more than commonly known fan term, private values (Japanese: 個体値 individual values), are the Pokémon equivalent of genes. They are instrumental in determining the stats of a Pokémon, existence responsible for the large variation in stats amongst untrained Pokémon of the same species. In the context of Generations I and 2, which accept a dissimilar Iv system, IVs are also referred to equally determinant values (DVs).

Each of the six stats has an IV associated with it, with that IV coming into calculation alongside the Pokémon's base stats, Nature, and EVs to determine the actual stat number. A Pokémon'south IVs are fixed when it is generated by the game (i.east. when information technology is encountered in the wild or given to the player by an NPC), and cannot be changed (although Hyper Training causes stats to become values corresponding the maximum IVs).

In the games, the term potential is oft used to insinuate to IVs, such as past the stats judge. Shigeru Ohmori has stated that the reason EVs and IVs are hidden is considering he prefers to call back of Pokémon as "real, living creatures".[1]

Generation I and II

In Generation I and Ii, but four IVs are stored for each individual Pokémon: Assail, Defense, Speed, and Special. Each of these is used to determine their associated stat, with the HP IV adamant from the IVs stored for the other 4. IVs range from 0-fifteen (in binary 0000-1111).

The HP Four is calculated by taking the least significant fleck (the final binary digit) of the Assail, Defense, Speed, and Special IVs, then creating a binary string by placing them in that order. As such, a Pokémon with an odd-number Set on IV has 8 added to its HP IV, an odd-number Defense force IV has 4 added, an odd-number Speed IV has 2 added, and an odd-number Special IV has i added.

In Generation Two, due to the Special stat existence separate into Special Attack and Special Defense, the Special 4 is used for both Special Attack and Special Defense force.

In Generation II, several things aside from stats are also based on stats IVs. From Generation III onward, all of these except the blazon and power of Hidden Power are determined by other variables, such as the Pokémon's personality value.


Determination of stats

In Generation I and 2, a Pokémon'due south stats are determined according to the following formulas.

H P = ( ( B a due south e + D V ) × 2 + Southward T A T E 10 P 4 ) × L eastward five eastward l 100 + 50 due east v e l + 10 {\displaystyle HP={\Biggl \lfloor }{{\Biggl (}(Base+DV)\times 2+{\biggl \lfloor }{\tfrac {{\bigl \lceil }{\sqrt {STATEXP}}{\bigr \rceil }}{4}}{\biggr \rfloor }{\Biggr )}\times Level \over 100}{\Biggr \rfloor }+Level+10}

O t h e r South t a t = ( ( B a s e + D V ) × 2 + South T A T E 10 P 4 ) × L due east 5 e l 100 + v {\displaystyle OtherStat={\Biggl \lfloor }{{\Biggl (}(Base of operations+DV)\times two+{\biggl \lfloor }{\tfrac {{\bigl \lceil }{\sqrt {STATEXP}}{\bigr \rceil }}{4}}{\biggr \rfloor }{\Biggr )}\times Level \over 100}{\Biggr \rfloor }+5}

For two Mewtwo caught in Cerulean Cave:

Pokémon HP Attack Defense Speed Special
Mewtwo A 234 178 138 198 229
Mewtwo B 228 161 139 201 237


In Generation Two, a Pokémon's gender is adamant based solely on its physical Attack 4 when compared to a gender ratio. A Pokémon is female if its physical Attack 4 is less than or equal to its species' gender ratio, otherwise it is male. For species that are exclusively 1 gender or take no gender, the adding based on the Attack Four is ignored.

Due to this calculation, it is impossible to obtain a female person Pokémon with loftier concrete Attack, unless the Pokémon is a member of an all-female person species similar Jynx or Chansey. Starter Pokémon and others with a gender ratio of vii males to i female person suffer the most, with the maximum physical Attack Iv for a female person Pokémon of those species beingness 1.

Set on IV Nominal ratio
Male Female Male Female person
N/A N/A Gender unknown
0-15 Northward/A Male 100.0% 0.0%
two-15 0-one vii:1 87.v% 12.5%
4-xv 0-3 3:1 75.0% 25.0%
8-xv 0-seven i:1 fifty.0% l.0%
12-15 0-11 1:three 25.0% 75.0%
N/A 0-fifteen Female 0.0% 100.0%

For two Cyndaquil obtained from Professor Elm:

Pokémon Gender HP Assail Defense Speed Sp. Atk Sp. Def
Cyndaquil A 20 10 ix 12 eleven x
Cyndaquil B 19 11 x 12 11 10


In Generation II, whether or not a Pokémon is Shiny is determined by its IVs.

A Pokémon is Shiny if and only if both of the following atmospheric condition are met

  • Its Defense, Speed, and Special IVs are all ten.
  • Its Assail IV is 2, three, 6, vii, 10, 11, fourteen, or 15.

Unremarkably, when the player encounters a Pokémon in the wild or receives a Pokémon as a gift in Generation Two, all possible sets of IVs accept an equal probability. Since there are 8 possible sets of IVs for Shiny Pokémon of the 65,536 distinct sets of IVs, in that location is a one/8192 chance of a Pokémon being Shiny when its IVs are selected at random. This is the same probability of a wild Pokémon being Shiny in Generation III, IV, and Five.

Due to correlations betwixt pseudorandom numbers in the Generation I games, Pokémon encountered in those games in alpine grass, in caves, or by surfing on water cannot accept a set of IVs that would let them to be Shiny in Generation II. Angling encounters, gift Pokémon (including from Pokémon Stadium), stationary Pokémon (such equally Snorlax and Mewtwo), and in-game trades can have whatever set of IVs, then they always accept the same i/8192 chance of having a Shiny Four combination.[two]

The Red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage, which is guaranteed to exist Shiny, has predetermined IVs, with an Attack Iv of fourteen and all other stats being 10, except HP which is 0. When breeding Pokémon, considering IVs are inherited from the Pokémon'south parents, the probability of the bred Pokémon existence Shiny is highly dependent on the parents' IVs.

Due to HP IV beingness calculated from the other IVs, a Shiny Pokémon's HP IV can simply be 0 (if the Assault IV is fifty-fifty) or viii (if the Attack Four is odd). Since 0 and i are non possible Set on IVs for a Shiny Pokémon, female person Pokémon of species with a seven male to one female ratio tin can never be Shiny in Generation Ii.


For two Sandshrew caught in Union Cave (Sandshrew A is Shiny, Sandshrew B is not Shiny):

Pokémon Gender HP Assault Defence force Speed Sp. Atk Sp. Def
Sandshrew A Shiny 22 xiv 16 11 8 9
Sandshrew B 22 14 17 10 8 9

Unown's letter

In Generation II, Unown's letter is taken from the combination of the heart two bits of the Attack, Defense force, Speed and Special Iv nibbles. This combination is so divided by ten, and the result is rounded down (floor[]) to only include the integer part of the number. This integer volition range from 0-25, corresponding to a letter in the Latin alphabet, which will be the Unown's letter (where 0=A, i=B, ii=C, ..., 23=X, 24=Y, 25=Z).

In Generation Two, due to this method of computing Unown'southward letter and the way that Shiny Pokémon are determined, a Shiny Unown tin only exist in the shape of the letter I or V. Additionally, due to this method of computing Unown'due south letter, only half-dozen combinations correspond to Unown Z, whereas 10 combinations stand for to every other Unown, making Unown Z less common.

In Generation III, Unown's letter is adamant past the Pokémon's personality value. From Generation Iv onward, it is adamant by a separate form identifier. Generation Three also introduced Unown '!' or '?'.

For two Unown defenseless in the Ruins of Alph:

Pokémon HP Attack Defence Speed Sp. Atk Sp. Def Combination Integer Alphabetic character
Unown 1 xx 13 ten 9 13 11 67
( 01 00 00 11 )
vi Thou
Unown 2 21 12 xi 10 12 10 182
( ten xi 01 x )
18 S

Smeargle's patterns' colors

In Pokémon Stadium two, the patterns on Smeargle's back and tail can exist cherry-red, light-green or blue depending on its IVs.[3]

The games takes the Special, Defense force, Speed and Attack values in that gild, and makes them the digits of a 4-digit hexadecimal number. The colors are adamant from the upshot of modulo 9 on that number. The colors are cycled through in order of ruby, light-green and blue, with the dorsum design changing every iii; that is 0-2 volition give the same color for dorsum design only unlike colors for the tail pattern.

The colors are affected by Shininess; due to the fact that both the pattern colors and Shininess is determined past IVs, a Shiny Smeargle will but have pattern ID of 2, 3, 4, 6, vii or 8.

For two Smeargle defenseless in the Ruins of Alph:

Pokémon HP Set on Defense Speed Sp. Atk Sp. Def Combination ID Tail pattern Back pattern
Smeargle 1 57 19 26 14 25 41 11900
(ii East 7 C )
2 Blue Red
( C )
( E )
( 7 )
( 2 )
Smeargle 2 57 19 23 19 30 38 50988
(C 7 two C )
iii Red Green
( C )
( 7 )
( 2 )
( C )

Hidden Power

Master article: Hidden Power (move)/Calculation

The calculated Type and Power of the motion Hidden Power is based on the IVs of the Pokémon. Hidden Power can be of any blazon aside from Normal, and can have a power betwixt 31 and 70. The formula used in Generation 2 is different to the one used in later generations.

The move'due south type is determined past the two least significant bits of the Assault and Defense IVs. The movement'due south power is determined by the nearly significant chip of each of the Pokémon's IVs, as well every bit the ii least significant bits of the Special IVs.

NPC's Pokémon

  • In Generation I, all NPC's Pokémon have the aforementioned DVs:
    • Attack = ix
    • Defence, Special, Speed = eight
  • In Generation 2, all Pokémon owned by the same NPC share the aforementioned DVs.
    • See Listing of NPC's Pokémon'due south DVs (Generation 2)

Generation 3 onward

In Generation Three, the 4 system was completely overhauled; now, IVs range from 0-31 rather than 0-15, with HP and Special Defense getting their ain contained IVs.

Since IVs at present accept twice the range, they now take half the influence on a Pokémon's stats. The EV system overhaul and the addition of Natures also effect in small changes to formula used to determine stats. The personality value was introduced in Generation Iii, which handles a Pokémon's gender and Shiny status instead, besides as several other properties; in Generation Three, Unown'due south class was also handled using the personality value, but this is stored separately in Generation 4 onward.

The overhaul of the Pokémon data structure is one of the reasons why it was not made possible to trade between Generation II and Generation 3 games.


Conclusion of stats

From Generation III onward, a Pokémon'due south stats are determined according to the following formulas.

H P = ( 2 × B a southward e + I Five + E 5 4 ) × L east five e l 100 + 50 due east 5 due east l + x {\displaystyle HP={\Bigl \lfloor }{(ii\times Base+4+\lfloor {\tfrac {EV}{four}}\rfloor )\times Level \over 100}{\Bigr \rfloor }+Level+x}

O t h due east r S t a t = ( ( two × B a due south e + I Five + E V four ) × L e v e l 100 + 5 ) × N a t u r e {\displaystyle OtherStat={\Biggl \lfloor }{\biggl (}{\Bigl \lfloor }{(2\times Base of operations+IV+\lfloor {\tfrac {EV}{4}}\rfloor )\times Level \over 100}{\Bigr \rfloor }+v{\biggr )}\times Nature{\Biggr \rfloor }}

For two Marill caught on Route 120:

Pokémon Sp. Def Sp. Atk Speed Defence Attack HP
Marill A 46 22 forty 47 22 101
Marill B 48 24 34 l 23 97

Hidden Ability

Main article: Subconscious Power (move)/Calculation

The calculated Type and Power of the move Hidden Power is based on the IVs of the Pokémon. Subconscious Power tin can be of any blazon aside from Normal and Fairy, and prior to Generation Half-dozen, have a power between 30 and 70.

The to the lowest degree significant fleck of each IV determines the move's Type, and the second-to the lowest degree significant bit of each determines the motility'due south Power.


Stats judge

Master commodity: Stats judge

From Pokémon Emerald onward, at that place is a stats approximate in the game in the region's battle facility or the city it is in. They give qualitative evaluations of the Pokémon's IVs.

  • In Pokémon Emerald, elderly man in the house north of the Boxing Frontier'due south Pokémon Center will evaluate the Pokémon's IVs in a roundabout way.
  • In the Generation IV games, a homo in the Battle Tower or Battle Frontier will evaluate the Pokémon's IVs in a roundabout way.
  • In the Generation V games, an Ace Trainer in the Gear Station volition evaluate the Pokémon'south IVs in a roundabout style, after the player enters the Hall of Fame.
  • In Pokémon X and Y, an Ace Trainer in the Kiloude Urban center Pokémon Heart will evaluate the Pokémon'southward IVs in a roundabout mode.
  • In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Blastoff Sapphire, an Ace Trainer in the Battle Resort Pokémon Center will evaluate the Pokémon'southward IVs in a roundabout way.
  • In Pokémon Sun and Moon, if the actor has hatched xx Eggs, an Ace Trainer standing past the Boxing Tree receptionist will upgrade the Pokémon Storage Organization with the Judge program. The Judge plan will prove a graph of how IVs are placed and a annotate on the overall numbers.

Starting in Generation VI, the stats judge will also specifically notation 0 IVs.

Starting in Generation VII, players can view a Pokémon's IVs directly using the Guess Function.


Main commodity: Feature

From Generation Iv onward, each Pokémon has a characteristic, a minor blurb that indicates which of the Pokémon'due south IVs is the highest in a roundabout fashion. Rather than explicitly stating information technology, one of 30 of these brusque sentences is called, depending on which of the six stats the highest Iv is in and how much more than than a multiple of 5 information technology is.


Pokémon Sp. Def Sp. Atk Speed Defense force Attack HP Characteristic
Dusclops A 161 77 36 158 89 107 "Strong willed"
thirty (Sp. Def) mod 5 = 0
Dusclops B 149 86 35 160 93 115 "Mischievous"
half dozen
31 (Sp. Atk) modern 5 = 1

Camera view

In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the photographic camera view might show the histrion earlier the wild Pokémon. In that case, the wild Pokémon has 2 or more IVs of 31.


In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, all Pokémon found in Safari Zone and during the Bug Catching Contest volition accept their IVs rerolled up to 4 times if none of the generated IVs are 31.

In Pokémon X and Y, all Pokémon in the No Eggs Discovered Egg Grouping are guaranteed to have a perfect 31 in at to the lowest degree three of their individual values when caught in the wild or obtained every bit a gift (except via Mystery Souvenir). In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, this only applies to Legendary and Mythical Pokémon. In Generation VII, this applies to Legendary Pokémon, Mythical Pokémon, and Ultra Beasts.

In Pokémon Sun and Moon, Hyper Training allows the player to brand a Pokémon's stats act as if the Pokémon had maximum IVs. Notwithstanding, this does non really change the IVs, so its truthful IVs are yet used for the purposes of Hidden Ability and breeding.


Main commodity: Pokémon convenance → Inheriting stats

Starting in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, a parent holding a Power item will pass the IV respective to the same stat to its children.

Starting in Generation Half-dozen, if either of a Pokémon's parents were holding a Destiny Knot, the kid will inherit v of its 6 IVs from its parents.


IVs are now all stored together as a single 32-bit value. Since IVs require 30 bits to be stored, the ii about significant bits of this value are used to store other data.

In Generation III, the about significant bit specifies which of 2 Abilities a Pokémon has (if information technology has potential to have more than one). If the Pokémon'south species can take only one Ability in Generation III, the Ability scrap is forced to 0 by the game (if information technology is forced to be one, "No ability" volition exist listed as the Pokémon'southward Ability).

In Generation IV onward, the most significant fleck instead specifies whether or not the Pokémon is nicknamed, while the 2d-virtually meaning scrap fulfills the aforementioned role equally in Generation III. This allows an unnicknamed Pokémon traded to a game of a unlike language to retain its name in the language of the previous game, but however change its proper noun upon development.

The second-almost significant bit specifies whether or not the Pokémon is an unhatched Egg or not.

The remaining 30 bits are the IVs, five bits apiece, in the order Sp. Def, Sp. Atk, Speed, Defense, Attack, and HP.

Conversion from other systems

Generation I and II

Pokémon can exist transported from the Generation I and II core series games to Pokémon Bank using the Poké Transporter. Due to these games having a dissimilar IV organisation to subsequently generations, the IVs of transported Pokémon are regenerated, just it is guaranteed to have at least 3 IVs of 31 (v if information technology is Mythical). There is no relationship between the Pokémon's IVs in the Generation I or II game and in Pokémon Bank.

Pokémon Get

Pokémon can be transported from Pokémon Go to Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! at the GO Park complex, or to Pokémon HOME through the Become Transporter. Due to these games having a dissimilar IV systems, the IVs of transported Pokémon must be converted.

The Pokémon'south HP, Attack, and Defense IVs in the core serial game are its corresponding stats in Pokémon GO, multiplied by ii, plus i. Its Special Attack Iv is always equal to its Attack IV, and its Special Defense Four is always equal to its Defense Iv. Its Speed Four is randomly generated upon existence caught.

In spin-off games

Pokémon Get

In Pokémon Go, IVs have a range of 0 to 15. Pokémon have an IV for each of their three base stats: HP, Assail, and Defense. With the absence of other mechanics such equally Nature and EVs, IVs are the only cistron that tin distinguish one Pokémon'due south stats from another'due south of the same species and form at each Power Upwardly level. A Pokémon'south IVs tin be evaluated using the appraisal option on the Pokémon screen, which will display a bar nautical chart indicating the 4 for each of the 3 stats and a sticker that rates its Four total.

If a Pokémon is traded, its IVs volition exist randomly redetermined, with possible values depending on Friendship level. If a Shadow Pokémon is purified, the IVs for all its stats are increased past two.

Tyrogue evolves based on its highest Iv (chosen at random from all of its highest IVs if there is a tie).

  • Assault → Hitmonlee
  • Defence → Hitmonchan
  • HP → Hitmontop

A Pokémon's IVs are randomly assigned and uniformly distributed, only with guaranteed minimum values for certain types of encounters. The following shows the minimum IV guarantees for each of the listed encounters. Unlisted encounter types have no guaranteed Four floor.

Run across Minimum Iv Perfect 4 probability
Trade (Good Friend) 1
1 in 3375 (0.0296%)
Trade (Great Friend) 2
i in 2744 (0.0364%)
Trade (Ultra Friend) 3
1 in 2197 (0.0455%)
Atmospheric condition-boosted wild spawns
Weather-boosted Shadow Pokémon
1 in 1728 (0.0579%)
Merchandise (Best Friend) 5
1 in 1331 (0.0751%)
Shadow Pokémon from Giovanni 6
i in 1000 (
Pokémon Egg
Raid Battle
Research come across
1 in 216 (0.463%)
Lucky Trade 12
1 in 64 (1.56%)

Determination of stats

IVs in Pokémon Go are simply added onto the base stat, and so the sum is multiplied by the CP multiplier.

S t a t = ( b a s e + I V ) × c p G u l t {\displaystyle Stat=(base+IV)\times cpMult}

If a Pokémon is transferred from Pokémon Go to Pokémon: Allow's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! or Pokémon Habitation, the IVs will exist recalculated directly based on the IVs it had in Pokémon Get.

In other languages

Language Title
France Flag.png French Stats individuelles
Germany Flag.png German Individuelle Stärken
Italy Flag.png Italian Punti individuali
Russia Flag.png Russian Индивидуальные характеристики Individual'nyye kharakteristiki
Spain Flag.png Spanish Fortalezas individuales

See also

  • Effort values
  • Stats judge
  • Pokémon data structure:
    • Generation I
    • Generation Two
    • Generation Iii
    • Generation IV
    • Generation V
    • Generation 6
    • Generation 7
    • Generation 8

External links

  • Legendary Pokemon's IV calculator
  • Metalkid's Four calculator
  • Psypoke's Four calculator
  •'due south Four estimator
  • PGOIV'due south Pokémon Get IV calculator


  1. Pokemon's Junichi Masuda: 'We weren't explicitly targeting children' (Wired United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland)
  2. Pokémon Carmine/Blueish Wild DVs
Pokémon individuality

Level • Stats • Friendship • Gender • Ability • Nature • Feature
Endeavour values • Individual values • Awakening values • Effort level
Status • Performance • Affection • Memory

What Is Ivs In Pokemon,


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